August 7-16: Eric's Trip 🎸 Latin Legends, Turbo Distortion, and Some Soul

When I was young I promised myself I would never talk about the weather. But so often now I find myself starting conversations with, "Well 106 isn't so bad in the shade."
We're in the Dog Days of summer. It's kind of like a loading screen until Outside™ becomes less of a lethal heat ray and things like school and social functions pick back up in the fall. Apparently in the UK, they call this period of the year, "Silly Season," as the lack of an active Parliament leads to the media reporting on nonsensical and frivolous matters.
So, let's get silly.
Taverna Twist
August 8: Taverna Costera is a beautiful Turducken of live entertainment, as at any given moment there could be something happening on the patio, in the dining room, or rooftop terrace. Very often all at the same time. In the spirit of variety, check out Taverna Twist, featuring Champagne Lipsmack, Radical West, Switterbeet, and Dead Crow Spaces. 7 p.m. $10-15
Gipsy Kings
August 9: When I was a kid, there was a particular rotation of Hispanic music I'd hear on Sunday mornings, ranging from Chayanne and Hombres G to Jose Luis Perales and, yes, Gipsy Kings. Their Spanish covers of songs like "My Way" and "Hotel California," familiarized them to an anglophone audience, but there's so much more. Red Rock Casino & Resort at 8 p.m. Tickets start at $109.

August 11: Midwest Emo may be having a moment right now, but the heartland reaps some pretty good rock, too. Gallivant combines crunchy classic rock guitars with CSNY-meets-Van Halen vocal harmonies. Free. Sand Dollar Lounge.
The Hellas
August 12: It's ska punk from The Bay Area with accordions. Do you need more than that? I don't and neither should you. Fergusons Downtown at 5 p.m. Free.
Speaking of:

Heavy Temple
August 13: Sometimes you just need some heavily distorted guitars to put you into a head-banging trance. Heavy Temple is coming to Sin Wave to evangelize the One True Power Chord. 7 p.m. $16.

August 14: If I had to describe SPACED's music in one word it would probably be "angry." Their hardcore tracks, "Prove You Wrong," and "Rat Race" are cathartic and high energy. Go see them at Eagle Aerie Hall, if you ain't chicken. $14.
Family Worship Center
August 14: Whoops, I already used my tongue-in-cheek religious humor in this post and it seems like this was the more appropriate use for it. Oh well. if you're looking for some mellow roots rock with a bit of soul in there, check out Family Worship Center at the Sand Dollar Lounge. 8 p.m. Free.
Indigo Rose
August 16: I'm of the opinion that we need to bring back the multi-faceted entertainer, someone who can sing, act, and maybe ride a unicycle. R&B artist Indigo Rose takes it a step further by showing off both of her talents, singing and painting at the same time. West Charleston Library. 7 p.m. Free.