✦Weekender✦ Wowie powwowie | Fashionista meltdown | You're their type | Sushi crooner | Plant daddy | Parties for prix 🏁

✦Weekender✦ Wowie powwowie | Fashionista meltdown | You're their type | Sushi crooner | Plant daddy | Parties for prix 🏁
Haute and bothered: What better way to ward off the November chill than with the withering, icy-hot glare of an imperious fashion magazine editor? (Actually, I can imagine at least 17 other better ways.) The Devil Wears Payless Nov. 22-23 at Majestic Repertory Theatre is a scandalous sendup of the hit 2006 film. Payless director Jamie Morris clearly knows what he's doing – his previous parodies include Mommie Queerest, Silence of the Clams, Gilligan's Fire Island, and Schartts Creek.

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