NOW THIS IS where I like it – in the pocket, the interzone, the liminal gap between extremes. Goldilocks me, bro! It's no longer 1,217° out, but it's also not yet getting stupid dark at 3 p.m. (Over. It.) This week's picks are
There are countless trivia nights dropping knowledge nightly in the Las Vegas Valley, but the factually fun events on our curated list each have a twist, theme, or fresh angle. Check them out. Easy does it * Mondays at The Composers Room: Trivia Lite with Phil Kotler boasts easier questions that
OH YEAH, I CAN feel the seasons changing – not so much, like, you know, in the air or via deep climactic rhythms or anything, but rather in the shifting proportions of rosé (less) and beer (more) in my diet. Whatever your preferred beverage, we're serving up a generous
VEGAS CULTURE PEOPLE are always like, grrr, we want an art museum already – and sure, who doesn't? – but I kinda want a legit chess club first. Same broad civic impetus as an art museum – a site of cultural edification and education that reflects a more aspirant, dignified public
SO ALL I GOT out of the much-hyped meteor shower was a stiff neck and confirmation that my light-polluted downtown backyard isn't that deeply connected to the cosmos. Oh well, on to other celestial pursuits, like when the moon hits your eye, etc.: This week, we've
AUGUST IS CONSIDERED Elvis Month for a bunch of various, mostly contrived reasons. But in Las Vegas, August does in fact have some plausible Elvic mojo: It was here in August 1969 (okay, fine, technically July 31, 1969) that Elvis launched his return to performing live after an eight-year absence
⚡ Friday * The atmosphere should be, uh, electric at Shock Collar Comedy at Notoriety where, in grimdank dystopilicious fashion, you can zap the comics if they're not funny enough. * As long as we're mining a dark vibe: You can play a locally produced nuclear strategy wargame at
MY NEW SLEEP schedule these days involves a deep disco siesta every afternoon because I've been up since like 3 a.m. due to a recently acquired Olympic badminton addiction. Thanks, Paris! The upside is that when 10 p.m. hits I'm wide-eyed and ready to
YOU EVER HAVE one of those out-of-body moments when you're standing outside yourself, watching yourself with clinical curiosity and slight dismay, noticing something novel and strange and maybe a bit alarming about yourself from, like, a third-person perspective? Yeah, happened to me on July 29, 2023. I noticed